Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I like yucky weather!!

Today it has been raining/sleeting/icing/snowing all day. I love it. I think that our lives are often lived at 100 mph and we never really have a chance to slow down...or at least we don't make ourselves slow down. I think maybe yucky weather is God's way of slapping us in the face and tell us to sit down, shut up and chill out....no pun intended. Maybe it's because we won't do that ourselves. I'm gonna take time today to read a good book, clean the showers (been meaning to do that for a while), play with my kids, and wander outside tonight and take a walk and be reminded that I'm not all that I think I am.


I Am All Grown Up said...

I love you. You're like an older brother that shares his wisdom cus I feel like in many ways we are very like-minded. You're last line is exactly why I love serving with you.

NickD said...

I love it. That's exactly how i feel and it feels great to slow down and get our stuff straight. And the "chill out" part...brilliant haha

Mike said...

Thanks bros

NickD said...

You need to update a new blog. I want to know what else is going on inside the mind of mike havens. Oh...and you also need to follow me...just sayin